Common Mistake
“Not Full Bleed”- Background is not fully extended to the edge. This will cause strips to be ground your card after it is

Background extends all the way to the edge on both sides. Card will be trimmed property


Out of Zone- The text is out of the safe zone. This information will be out off.

All the text and important graphics are well within the safe zone
Background extends all the way to the bleed zone


Pixelated – Text and Images care not print ready hi-resolution. You files must be in 300 pixels/ inch resolution. We do not recommend use web image to print

File and image are in proper print resolution
Specifications and will print correctly and clear.


“Hard to Read”—Text created with conflicting color values, no shadows on complex backgrounds, or very thin, tiny font will be very difficult to read.

Text created with the proper contrasting color and large font sizes will be very readable


“Borders”—We do not recommend borders due to the nature of our cutting. You will need to either remove the border or put them well be cut off or removed.

Border, if desired, is placed well inside the
Safely is placed well inside the safety zone


"Blank Card" - Created or uploaded card with no text, images, or any other information

All text and images were correctly created

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